XL Planning Ltd | Planning & Architectural Design Consultancy | Devon

House Design

XL Planning were successful in getting planning permission for a new self-build detached dwelling in the village of Wembworthy. Mid Devon District Council accepted that there was justification for a dwelling outside of a settlement and that the site was in a sustainable location. The self-build policy in the emerging Mid Devon Local Plan proved very useful and allowed our client to get permission for a dwelling in a location where a dwelling would not normally be accepted. The dwelling is subject to a S106 agreement to control its resale.


XL Planning Ltd


XL Planning Ltd



XL Planning Ltd


XL Planning Ltd


XL Planning Ltd


XL Planning Ltd | Planning & Ar
XL Planning Ltd | Planning & Architectural Design Consultancy
XL Planning Ltd | Planning & Architectural Design Consultancy
XL Planning Ltd | Planning & Architectural Design Consultancy | Devon


We are a planning and architectural design consultancy based in the heart of Mid Devon.  We are an intimate team of professionals with the knowledge and expertise to offer a complete solution to your planning, design and enforcement needs.

01884 38662

[email protected]

1 & 1a Fore Street, Cullompton, EX15 1JW